Terry McDougall, an executive and career coach with a background as a long-time corporate marketing executive, talks about the importance of networking in a successful job search, the advantages of getting a career coach, and the ethos behind writing her book, Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms
Timecode Guide
01:13 About Terry McDougall
03:31 Pandemic as the time of career reflection
05:09 Advice to clients when they want to pursue something but they are scared
06:42 Avoidance to risk or danger
09:21 Mindset of possibility
10:44 Recommendation to clients who are not seeing the result that they want
11:56 Candidate pipeline even before the job posting
13:11 Ethos of her book
16:06 Humiliation at work
17:33 Hiring a career coach
18:14 Number one thing that people need to know about setting themselves up for a successful job search
19:41 Definition of success
20:00 Pitfall for high achieving, smart members
20:49 Biggest life lesson
21:34 How can people continue to bring more good into their life?
22:16 How to Connect with Terry McDougall
If you want to know more about Terry McDougall, click the links below.